Literal translation: “After a child is drowned the well will be covered.” Meaning a problem will not be addressed until something unfortunate has happened.
“El que mucho abarca, poco aprieta.”
Literal meaning: One that covers too much, squeezes very little. I other words, he who wants to accomplish too much, is too overwhelmed and accomplishes nothing.
“Santito nuevo adonde to pondre, Santito viejo andonde te aventare.”
Literal meaning: New Saint where should I place you, old Saint where should I throw you. This is in reference to having something or some one new then when you get bored, you will discard it or them.
“Enfermo que come y mea, el Diablo que se lo crea.”
Meaning: A sick person that eats and “pees” is pretending to be sick.
“El niño que no llora no mama.”
Meaning: A boy that does not cry, does not eat. In other words you must speak up if you want something.
“Para cadá roto hay un descosido”.
Literal translation: For every tear/rip there is an unsown.
Meaning: that there is someone out there for everyone.
“El que caballo tiene, caballo se le ofrese”.
Meaning: One who already has riches, more riches is offered to him/her.
“Uno pone y Dios dispone”.
Meaning: One makes plans and God decides fate.
“No se come un platano para no tirar la cascara.”
Literal translation: One that will not eat a bananna to avoid throwing away the bananna peel.
Meaning – Someone that is a tightwad.
“Todo cabe en un jarrito sabiendo lo acomodar”
Literal translation: Anthything can fit in a small space as long as you know how to arrange it.”